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Plan Prep Pray

Peaceful Presence can be found when YOU are
a GOOD steward of your time.



Hey Girly my name is Wendy and I am a homeschool mom of four little ones. I created Plan Prep Pray to be an invaluable resource in the lives of homeschool and stay-at-home moms everywhere. Throughout my motherhood journey I have received so much help from more experienced and caring mothers that I felt compelled to do the same for others. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL OVERWHELMED ANYMORE. Join me and the other moms in the PPP community as we make small changes in our families that bring peace beyond ALL understanding in the midst of any chaos.

The Busy Bee Planner

Because Kids Make Plans Too!

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6 .

This planner was created with your kiddos in mind. They are little people with BIG schedules: school, soccer, dance, birthday party, homework, projects, the list can be endless. Even at an early age it is important to help them take ownership over their schedules, because, sadly your littles won't always be this little.





Why Plan Prep Pray?

It is possible to find Peace in the midst of any chaos. With a clear plan, a little preparation, and a dash of prayer you can find peaceful presence.


Learn how to think in advance about what needs to be done, when it has to be done, how it should be done, and who should do it.


Learn tips and routines that help stay at home moms prepare for the everyday tasks and unexpected household disasters. 



Join a community of like minded homeschooling- stay at home moms who believe in the power of prayer

Watch Our Videos

Tune into the PPP YouTube page to view our latest video on homeschooling, home management, mommy selfcare, or kids empowerment. We post weekly videos to help you find peace in the midst of your chaos. 

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